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Health Exclusive -: After First dose of Covid till second dose, body is at highest risk of infection, Precaution is very important till we get second dose ‘ : Says Doctor

Dr. Aman mathur M.B.B.S. F.I.D( Royal Liverpool Academy) Consultant Diabetologist Medical officer Incharge Govt. Of Raj

We all know that cases of covid-19 are rising again at the same prevalence as it was in 2020 and started showing worst condition in some part of the world. So again its the right time to use the three golden rule of survival i.e. wearing mask, hand washing and social distancing.

What is covid

Coron viruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses and causes illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV).

Symptoms :

Dry cough

Some people become,infected but don’t develop any symptoms.

Most people (about 80%) recover from the disease without needing special treatment.

Myth:-  Everybody thinks that after the covid vaccination they are fully safe from covid-19 virus this is however not true as the vaccination only helps you to build up a part of immunity inside your body to fight the virus it is not the treatment.

Covid vaccine is just way to give your body a source of immunity to fight against covid-19 virus but it is not the cure, vaccination comprises of two dose system where as after getting the first dose of vaccinations you have to wait for 6 to 8 weeks as per the new guidelines for your second dose and after getting fully immunized with this vaccines you get immunity against the covid virus but still you are at the verge of getting the disease.

The most dangerous part of this is to getting careless after the first dose, Not getting fully immunize and getting careless will makes you venerable and susceptible to covid 19 and is more at risk than fully immunized individual


Who are at risk ?

Older people
People with underlying medical problems like high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, asthma.

What to do

  1. When you experience symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Few things need to keep in mind :
  2. Wear a mask when and wherever you go,Use of alcohol base sanitizer or wash your hand frequently for almost 20 second
  3. Maintain social distancing.

Covid vaccine

Vaccination has reduce the cases but this is not the ultimate cure,one should not stop following the other precautions after getting complete vaccination. The vaccination is to produce antibodies to fight covid in the body but those antibodies also have the certain life span. So the bottom line is vaccination is helpful but do not forget the golden rule of life for covid-19

Everybody thinks that after the covid vaccination they are fully safe from covid-19 virus this is however not true as the vaccination only helps you to build up a part of immunity inside your body to fight the virus it is not the treatment.

Covid vaccine is just way to give your body a source of immunity to fight against covid-19 virus but it is not the cure vaccination comprises of two dose system where as after getting the first dose of vaccinations you have to wait for 6 to 8 weeks as per the new guidelines for your second dose and after getting fully immunized with this vaccines you get immunity against the covid virus but still you are at the verge of getting the disease.


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